Sunday, November 29, 2009

Family - Dylan

Well, First off, the tattoo he wants is a cobra, coiled and ready to strike on him arm. It is quite large. Despite your idea of a freckle, I don't think he would go for that, so i haven't even asked him. Not the kind of ink he's after!

Well my family, where to start? I'm an only child, which suits me just fine. No one else to take the attention away from me. My parents are pretty good as parents go i think. Mum works at the supermarket full time. She has done heaps of random jobs over the years, but she seems pretty settled at the moment. Otherwise she loves to get her hair straightened, and tries to steal my clothes. Some form of mid-life crisis i think. Dad on the other hand has some kind of desk job at an insurance company. Not really sure what he actually does, but it involves typing lots on computers and talking about very boring statistics all the time. He strangely loves to watch cooking shows on TV despite his complete inability to cook himself, and his phobic-like aversion to actually helping cook in anyway.

Now for my question - If you could have a super-power what would it be? And which super-power would you least like to have from this list - super-hearing, super-eyesight or super-smell? You can pick anything for the first question, not just my little list.

Fortunate - The man who dropped his wallet at the train station last night and had me pick it up. I chased him and gave it back.
Unfortunate - My conscience, I could have scored some free cash!

I've decided that if Andy really wants the tattoo he's going to have to do something for me! Not sure what yet, but he knows its a trade off. His puppy dog face prevented me from outright banning the tattoo, but I cant let him have it too easy. Any ideas?

What else? Well I have no idea why I'm up so early on a Sunday morning! It shows the very sad state of my social life. I think I'll have to get Andy off the couch next week. He never wants to go anywhere.

Talk soon

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Dear Dylan,

While I'm at risk of offending our zero current readers, I can 100% say DO NOT let him get that tattoo. What is it of? Unless its a very tiny Fawkes Phoenix from Harry Potter it's a definite no. There is no possible way to make a tattoo sexy. Uh, I dated this guy once who looked completely professional at work - you know, clean shaven, shirt every day, nice pants, and the minute we went on a date and he wore a t-shirt this huge freaking ugly dragon emerges on his arm. Biggest turn off. Seriously, Andrew, if you read this - what on earth are you thinking? Anyway - If it's really important to him, tell him to get a freckle tattooed on. Then he can say he has ink.

Not much to report today - looking seriously into new jobs after my boss made an inappropriate pass at me today in from of my mates. It was ridiculous. It was only so he could look like the big man in front of the guys. What a pathetic asshole. Anyway - if anyone needs a secretary/P.A, let me know!

Erin and I decided today that we're in serious need of a movie night so we've gone and rented some awesome chick flicks and it's been ace. I don't know why I've needed so much girly fun recently but it's been so great. We always go through phases like this - we'll be doing our own thing for like a month and then suddenly decide that its time to re bond. I love it.

I think we should start to ask each other questions Dyl. Like, this blog was designed to get to know each other better SO I think we should ask.

So - My question for today - What's your family like? I don't know much about them and I'd really like to know!

I think it's signing off time - Kate just got home and spotted Pretty Woman on the kitchen table and is screaming like a banshee and shaking me as we speak. Women. hahahaha

Attractive: Clean shaven, suit wearing, respect giving men. Testify!
Unattractive: Kate's girly, high-pitched squeal.

All my love,

Ava xXx

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Well, lunch time equals blog time! I've been really busy, and I'm not really sure why, but feeling run down.

So it will be short today I think:

Fortunate: Great sandwich for lunch
Unfortunate: Andy wants to get a really ugly tattoo

I don't know how much I should actually write about Andy, as even though I don't think he or anyone else besides you can be bothered to read it, he might, and i don't want to intrude on his privacy.

How should I talk him out of the tattoo? Should I just let him get it?


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Dear Dylan,

I think I'll start off posts with "Dear Dylan". I know everyone else can read it too - but it's sort of a letter to you I guess, so it makes the most sense. I loved your pro/con list in your post - I HATE FEET. Seriously, they have to be the most disgusting body part. No one takes care of them - and then summer comes and suddenly its flip-flop galore with all these disgusting sweaty feet all over the place. I'd like to point out that I wrote "Flip-flops" because I didn't want any American readers to suddenly think I was wearing my G-String in the wrong place when I called them "Thongs" like we do here. Seriously America - Thongs are not underwear!

Work was frantic today - completely insane. I was so happy when I came home and Kate suggested watching movies and doing absolutely nothing tonight instead of going for a run on the beach like we planned this morning. Ahhh I love her. Sometimes she just knows the right thing to say.

Not sure what else I want to post today - except I think you're right about not posting every second day because of the time difference - it's probably just easier to do it whenever we feel like it.

Not sure what else to say except my attractive/unattractive thing of the day:

Attractive: Josh Holloway - His character in LOST makes me melt - What a sex bomb

Unattractive: Dylans cat allergies.

Sending Aussie Love your way,

Ava xx
Hey all,

Well I'm Dylan, and unfortunately have to follow Ava, who embellishes, or at least creates outlandish versions of the truth! I think she has some alphabetical superiority complex. She's the one who will be the 80, alone and with cats. A few points as to why:

1. I'm not going to make 80 - I'm too accident prone
2. She is single - no mystery there
3. Allergic to cats

But thanks anyway, Ava for the intro! But here is a better one.

Pros - 22 (I think that's a pro), Andy (my boyfriend of two years), live at home with parents, chocoholic (it's a pro), have gotten to travel to Australia, no siblings, nursing
Cons - live at home with parents, allergies, travelled to Australia and met Ava (ok pro but don't tell her), Andy's feet, male name and nicknames like DeDe - not cool, exploding colostomy bags (but thats for another time)(wait not my colostomy - im studying to be a nurse)

Observant readers would realise that living with parents is both a pro and a con. It's cheaper, easier and damn convenient, my stuff is already all here. But no privacy and man the freedom of independence!

Now Ava I don't know how you are with maths, but can't we make it alternative posts rather than days due to the time difference, or maybe even screw the alternate thing, as I fear I may have a lot more interesting dribble that the world needs to hear.

I have been told that I have a tenuous grip on the English language, and next to Ava, who is the perfect grammar lady, I may seem slightly dyslexic! I think I will do a slightly different version of the attractive and unattractive thing of the day, and instead revert to the old fortunately and unfortunately game.

Fortunate - I didn't get food poisoning from these shared dips I ate yesterday despite Claire getting sick last night. Iron stomach award to moi!

Unfortunate - I have blisters from walking around all day in my new work shoes.

Hey what were the names of those comedians I was meant to look up?
Talk soon
Hi Everyone,

So Dylan and I (Who is actually a girl despite her fabulously masculine name) have decided to start a blog to communicate with each other from across the world pen pal style. We've been friends for about two years and want to know each other better - and what better way than updating on every tiny annoying detail?

I'm Ava. I'm 22, Single and work in a Law Firm as a secretary. There is a serious lack of oestrogen at work - I'm the only female in the firm so I desperately need my time with my friends and roommates. I live with two girls, Kate and Erin and I love them to pieces! (Thank goodness, otherwise there would be some serious fighting - We're all as stubborn as each other). I live in Australia, and love reading and traveling and wish I could do both more than I do. When I've saved enough I want to quit my dead end job and do something fun and adventurous with my life - something people don't normally get to experience. I'm hankering for that day to come let me tell you.

Dylan is 80 years old, single and lives with a bunch of cats. I'm just kidding, but it suddenly occurred to me that because I get to write the first post I can say whatever I like about her. Ha! Only Kidding Dyl, I'll be nice.

Dylan is 22, in a serious relationship with her boyfriend Andrew (it's sickenly adorable) and is currently learning the hard way about how disgusting the human body is as a nursing student. She currently lives with her parents but is hoping to move out and be a real live grown up (HaHa!) very soon when she moves in with Andrew.

Not sure what else to write on our little introductory post - I guess I need to write how often we're intending to do this. We were thinking we'll post one weekday each, so tomorrow will hopefully be Dylan if she bothers to get out of bed to write it (She could be an Olympic athlete if there was a event for sleeping). And I think for my posts I will do an attractive/unattractive thing of the day - ala Community Channel and Hayley G Hoover.

I think that's it! I shall write again in two days!


Ava xx