Saturday, November 28, 2009

Dear Dylan,

While I'm at risk of offending our zero current readers, I can 100% say DO NOT let him get that tattoo. What is it of? Unless its a very tiny Fawkes Phoenix from Harry Potter it's a definite no. There is no possible way to make a tattoo sexy. Uh, I dated this guy once who looked completely professional at work - you know, clean shaven, shirt every day, nice pants, and the minute we went on a date and he wore a t-shirt this huge freaking ugly dragon emerges on his arm. Biggest turn off. Seriously, Andrew, if you read this - what on earth are you thinking? Anyway - If it's really important to him, tell him to get a freckle tattooed on. Then he can say he has ink.

Not much to report today - looking seriously into new jobs after my boss made an inappropriate pass at me today in from of my mates. It was ridiculous. It was only so he could look like the big man in front of the guys. What a pathetic asshole. Anyway - if anyone needs a secretary/P.A, let me know!

Erin and I decided today that we're in serious need of a movie night so we've gone and rented some awesome chick flicks and it's been ace. I don't know why I've needed so much girly fun recently but it's been so great. We always go through phases like this - we'll be doing our own thing for like a month and then suddenly decide that its time to re bond. I love it.

I think we should start to ask each other questions Dyl. Like, this blog was designed to get to know each other better SO I think we should ask.

So - My question for today - What's your family like? I don't know much about them and I'd really like to know!

I think it's signing off time - Kate just got home and spotted Pretty Woman on the kitchen table and is screaming like a banshee and shaking me as we speak. Women. hahahaha

Attractive: Clean shaven, suit wearing, respect giving men. Testify!
Unattractive: Kate's girly, high-pitched squeal.

All my love,

Ava xXx

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